ima174280, Smiling female friends together
Cecilia Möller Kirchsteiger
Cecilia Möller Kirchsteiger
Are you looking for everyday images that make you happy taken in beautiful Nordic light? Then don't delay in looking at photographer Cecilia Möller Kirchsteiger's images.

Normally, Cecilia takes images of food and interior design for large magazines and newspapers, but her side passion is lifestyle photography, which we at Johnér are particularly grateful for.

Cecilia's images of families and everyday life give us a warm, cozy feeling and put a smile on our lips. Do you want your customers to feel this way too? Then you should certainly check out Cecilia's work.
ima158822, Smiling woman in car
ima164572, Mother and daughter on walk in meadow
ima150398, Laughing girl
ima197161, Girl giving father kiss
ima158200, Happy young woman with book
ima191485, Father and daughter assembling table
ima166929, Portrait of smiling woman
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