The drone image: Expanded visual experiences from above
Drone photography has seen a recent surge in popularity. Probably as a result of greater availability and lower costs, more people are able to create creative material from above. This has opened up a whole new world of exciting visual perspectives that were previously inaccessible.
The ability to soar over rooftops, forests, mountains and waters allows us to create images reminiscent of traditional aerial photography, but with a modern twist. The drone image is a new form of creative expression with the potential to change the way we see and experience the world around us.
It can provide a sense of floating above the landscape and an almost magical experience of presence. Patterns and details of the environment, inaccessible from ground level, are revealed. We are given a unique overview of nature and human creations, offering a powerful impression of both drama and harmony.

Drone imagery offers a deeper understanding of our environment and encourages us to interact with it in new and exciting ways.
Various angles fascinating effects
By using different camera angles and framing, you can achieve a variety of stunning effects from the skies. Let's explore the three most common angles in drone photography.
A vertical perspective has the ability to make familiar spaces appear unfamiliar, and it can take a moment to interpret what we see. The hidden patterns and lines of the landscape emerge, while everyday objects become obscure as they are viewed from an unusual angle.
Low oblique
With a slight tilt of the camera, still excluding the horizon, a slightly more familiar perspective emerges where you can more easily perceive objects and context. These images are effective in bringing a specific motif or limited area into focus.
High oblique
This type of photography covers a larger area by tilting the camera further, so that the horizon comes into view. These images provide a clearer sense of depth and relief differences.
The pigeon - a predecessor of the drone?
Julius Neubronner, a German pharmacist, started using pigeons to take pictures from the air in the early 1900s. That's what we call a bird's eye view! Neubronner originally used pigeons with miniature backpacks to transport medicine. One day, when a pigeon got lost, Neubronner had the idea of attaching small cameras to his messengers to record the flight. In 1908, Neubronner was granted a patent for his invention of pigeon aerial photography.
However, the history of aerial photography does not begin with Julius' birds before that, hot air balloons were among the tools used. But his work is an interesting example of the human endeavour to explore new ways to get an overview from above, no matter what resources are available.
Photo: Dr Julius Neubronner, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

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Photographers: Viktor Holm (IMA182732, IMA192210), robertharding (ROB1179-4879), Mikael Svensson (IMA157403, IMA181096), Hans Berggren (IMA186361, IMA165514, IMA190029), Roine Magnusson (NAT69946, NAT72986, NAT91255), Matilda Holmqvist (SCA31934), Maskot Bildbyrå (masma78279), Peter Lydén (IMA212308).